BECOME A SPONCOR "Without struggle there is no progress" - Frederick Douglass
BECOME A SPONCOR "Without struggle there is no progress" - Frederick Douglass
Food Support:
Our Food program supports guest with locally grown produce, seasonal vegetables and a nutritional balance of assorted food items. Serving over 60,000 annual guests. If you love what we're doing and value our work, please support the mission by donating today. Please see the donation button below and or on the home page.
Amazon Wish List:
If you prefer to send our most needed items directly to us via Amazon, please see our wish List of items at the link below:
Our agencies Amazon wish List can be found here:
Donating By Check:
If donating by check, please make checks payable to: Santana & Vargas Charities Inc.
Checks may be sent to:
NEW YORK, NY 10023.
Please direct any questions to:
Elvis Vargas
Vice President
(718) 885-4592
Donating gently used or new items, all items must be completely clean, free of odor, not damaged, in working condition, no inappropriate content, no exceptions. Items must be ready for same day distribution to anyone in need. We appreciate your understanding and support to donate the right way. Please send, no more than three picture of items you would like to donate to:
Thanking our partners, supporters, donors and wonderful people along the way for your dedication to helping community guest receive the resources available. The Department of Health, Sanitation Foundation, Madison Square Park Conservancy, Human Resource Administration-HRA, United Way Of NYC, Emergency Food & Shelter Program, Ovation, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, Thierry W. Despont Ltd, Triumphant Full Gospel, Iglesia Pentecostal Misericordia Del Senor, Iglesia Fuente De Salvation, Saving Mothers & Team, Anonymous Donors, Shiela C., Tony, David, Carmen P, Vonne W. Mark & Andre, Anabel Diaz & Family, Samya Acevedo & family, The Estrella Family, E. Ortiz, The Perez Family, The De Pena Family, The Santana & Vargas Family, David B & Family, The Robles Family, N. P, Tio Manolo, Jack Spatola, Cheryl, Leslie, Rita Santos, Board members, Officers and many more for your support & inspiration, THANK YOU!
Happy communities!
Copyright © 2020-2024 - All Rights Reserved, Santana & Vargas Charities Inc. is a tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code.
Santana & Vargas Charities Inc, 576 Willoughby Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11206. (718) 885-4592